Strand Builder is the best way to make thinning hair look thicker

Strand Builder is the best way to make thinning hair look thicker. Our natural Keratin hair-building fibers cling statically to the existing hair on your head and match your hair color perfectly. Apply before you leave the house, and your hair will look fantastic – turning heads all day long. Strand Builder Hair Building Fibers… Continue reading Strand Builder is the best way to make thinning hair look thicker

Mayraki Professional focuses on developing products that solve hair and scalp problems

Mayraki Professional focuses on developing products that solve hair and scalp problems and improves its condition without breaking the bank and won’t hurt the environment.The name Mayraki was hewn from the Greek word “Meraki,” which means “to leave a piece of yourself in your work.”We have dedicated years of scientific research on how to combine… Continue reading Mayraki Professional focuses on developing products that solve hair and scalp problems