Strand Builder is the best way to make thinning hair look thicker. Our natural Keratin hair-building fibers cling statically to the existing hair on your head and match your hair color perfectly. Apply before you leave the house, and your hair will look fantastic – turning heads all day long. Strand Builder Hair Building Fibers… Continue reading Strand Builder is the best way to make thinning hair look thicker
Tag: hair growth
Simfort/Revitalize Your Hair Without Harmful Chemicals
1. Deep Cleanse Your Scalp and Hair If the scalp is dirty and pores are clogged, it can lead to having a stunted hair growth or it might permanently stop growing. Naturally occurring 8000 ppm carbonic acid works like a magnet by attracting all of the clogging agents found on the surface of the scalp.… Continue reading Simfort/Revitalize Your Hair Without Harmful Chemicals