1 Philips FRX Defibrillator (includes AED, 1 set of pads and battery) Like other pieces of essential safety equipment, the Philips HeartStart Defibrillator was designed to be safe, reliable and easy to use. The Philips HeartStart Defibrillator is the first and only defibrillator available without a prescription. PERFECT FOR ANY ENVIRONMENT: HOME, WORKPLACE, OUTDOORS, AND… Continue reading Why you should have a HeartStart Defibrillator in your home.
Tag: AED
Coro Medical | AED Defibrillators
Coro Medical Company Selling Quality, Pre-Owned AEDs and Defibrillators Since 1999 With over 100 years combined experience in the AED field, we bring a fun and creative perspective to a very serious mission. While our favorite AED is the closest one, we recommend AEDs that have features which assist the user with CPR delivery during… Continue reading Coro Medical | AED Defibrillators