Johnny pioneered the concept of destination retail and created Bass Pro Shops, an outdoor gear enterprise that is one of the most beloved and well-recognized brands in North America. Today, Bass Pro Shops has nearly 200 retail stores and marine centers across North America and Outfitters welcome more than 200 million visitors annually.
Bass Pro Shops locations are more than just stores – they are true destination experiences that draw tourists and visitors from across the country.
Today Bass Pro Shops stores are the No. 1 tourist destinations in three states – including its flagship “grandaddy” store in Springfield, Missouri that welcomes more than 4 million visitors annually – and is in the top five tourist destinations in nine states.
In addition to giant aquariums teeming with live fish and extensive wildlife mounts and dioramas, many locations feature unique restaurants and entertainment. Another Morris creation is Uncle Buck’s Fishbowl and Grill, nautical-themed underwater restaurants with ocean-themed bowling adventures.